
© 2019-2022 - Fabio Mariano, FM Studios | postmaster@fabiomariano.eu | P.IVA 02824900902

Cookies & Privacy policy


Simplified information on the privacy policy


With my site I intend to only disclose my compositions and the contents I produce to better illustrate what I do. I have no interest in gathering information from visitors in order to transfer them to third parties. In any case, just because my videos have been uploaded to YouTube and then incorporated here, you need to know what happens when you decide to browse through my pages.


Legislative Decree 196/2003, also known as the Personal Data Protection Code and the European Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016, also known by the initials GDPR, imposes limits on the collection and processing of personal data. I undertake to protect your privacy as much as possible. I do not publish advertising banners autonomously, but the insertion of videos on my YouTube channel could propose advertising and involve by Google the collection of information that I can not control directly. The data that is collected and that I have explicitly authorized are mostly anonymous and have the sole purpose of knowing the type of user who likes my works and bring them to know their existence.


I also use widgets and plugins to simply share content on social networks, but they are not intended to gather information. However it may be that some of them proceed in this direction through cookies. In addition to the plug-ins, the use of cookies can be essential for a correct functionality of the same site. Their blocking during navigation can be set directly on your browser, so if you have done so, it is possible that the display of pages and contents does not correspond to the desired one. There are tools that allow the use of cookies but prevent the tracking action. I invite you to check online the tool that best suits your needs. The only cookies installed on my site are those of Google "Global TAG" and "Snippet", whose functionality refer to below points 2) and 8) of the complete information.


Owner of data processing

The ownership of the processing and the responsibility of the same is in charge of Giovanni Francesco Mariano (contacted at privacy@fabiomariano.eu), owner of the domain, webmaster, administrator and legal representative vis-à-vis third parties of the site www.fabiomariano.eu


Complete information on the privacy policy